Gremlins are my word for the voices in your head that try to give you advice or comment on what you are doing. They seem to think bullying is a motivational technique and sarcastic comments are helpful.
Mostly they are trying to protect you from failing, making a fool of yourself, or whatever. They have a tendency to be overprotective so they often accidentally “protect” you from succeeding, too.
Sometimes it helps to identify what the gremlins are saying. Just noticing that this voice in your head are gremlins can be helpful. Sometimes it is helpful to have a conversation with the gremlins. There is probably also a version of you who knows you can do whatever it is that the gremlin is worried about. Having that version of you reassure the gremlin can also help.
You do not have to convince the gremlins that it’s okay. Sometimes you just need to acknowledge that they are there, thank them for their concern, and politely ask them to leave you alone, while you get on with doing whatever it is you are doing.
If it is helpful to use a colouring page to note the gremlin talk, or script conversations, I have one you can use. Colouring optional but remarkably calming.
To download the Gremlin colouring page, right click the link below and choose “Save link as…” and save it to a folder on your computer that you can find again.
Click to download the Gremlin Colouring Page
WARNING: If doing any of these things makes you feel more stuck, upset, or makes things worse in some way, STOP immediately.
For a list of other strategies see Helen Kara 10 ways to reduce negative mind chatter.